10 Random Acts of Kindness – Special Acts of Kindness

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Who doesn’t love random acts of kindness? Try finding them. Even people who hate surprises love them. It just melts our hearts!

People also have the misconception that when they give gifts on occasion such as birthdays, Christmas, etc, they will receive something back.

Partially, it makes sense because in a lot of cases, people give and receive gifts, and this is normal! But it is paramount to remember that sometimes random acts of kindness are the best gift ever.

These are unique acts of kindness because we want to momentarily forget the “101 random acts of kindness” list and bring to you 10 acts of kindness that require little to no effort yet will fill your life with more supreme joy.

Not to say, of course, that the “99 random acts of kindness” list should be negligible. Instead to fine-tune it to directive acts of kindness with greater possible impact ripple. “impact ripple” essentially meaning because you did something great to/for someone, they do something great for someone else and that carries on forever.

Here’s an awesome quote. “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

You may ask, “Wait, BGL, there’s no such thing as a random act of kindness?” Well, isn’t the name of this blog post is “Top 10 Random acts of Kindness” right?

Well, that’s just a quote to inspire you and give you some perspective of how far a simple or selfless act of kindness could go. Now, we won’t go into a long list of kindness but if guys prefer a longer list, we always encourage you to let us know in the comment down below.

But for now, Let’s get started.

1. Genuine Compliments

Genuinely giving people compliments can be miraculous. maybe the person woke up this morning and didn’t feel comfortable in the shoes that they wore. The fact is, you don’t know this about this person but if you get into the habit of complimenting people, you might bump into one of these people and absolutely change their day!

random acts of kindness-best gift listings - compliments

Compliments can range from non-sexually provocative physical compliments like their clothes, shoes, earrings, hair, etc to personality compliments, such as “I like how well you listen” or “I just want you to know that you are a really good friend” or saying “Hey [name], thank you for [action/event/contribution]”.

Personalize your “thank you message” because it’s a simple way to enhance your overall kindness and puts you in the mood to carry our more acts of kindness! Additionally, it carries more weight and sets you apart from the multitude who have used that message – “thank you”

2. Join the [No Running] Marathon

A Company, “You Matter Marathon” is hosting a “marathon” to inspire people to do random acts of kindness in their daily lives.

random acts of kindness-best gift listings - you matter marathon -ymm

This is one of the best acts of kindness because all parties involved in the “giving” aspect of this act of kindness are genuinely selfless! The company/website sends you 30 cards with the words “YOU MATTER” actually written in bold letter.

random acts of kindness-best gift listings - you matter marathon - ymm

The message behind it is those written affirmations are so important in our society, yet many people don’t give out affirmation. This is not because they’re evil, non-contributing humans who are incapable of simple affirmation. Rather, those written affirmations, although most effective, are genuinely difficult to create (because you want to be unique to each recipient) and in most cases, people only make like one due to this.

The YMM (You Matter Marathon) challenges that and appeal directly to the human psyche with a simple message, “YOU MATTER”. So check it out.

Remember: You don’t have to pay a single penny, you just have to commit to giving 30 people that matter to you the message, “YOU MATTER”. So, why not do so?

3. Volunteer!

random acts of kindness-best gift listings - volunteer

4. Send Soldiers a Letter/Care Package

This is the one te best random acts of kindness on this list. Why? Because you are serving those who serve your country and it brings fulfillment that comes around.

Whether a country is on “peace times” or “wartime”, it takes tremendous amounts of courage to join any military branch and fight to protect a country. From signup and beyond, military members stare death in the face daily for us, the citizens.

What’s so costly that we could repay their unrepayable actions with a supportive letter/or a care package. Maybe your letter is what keeps one random soldier moving, that gives them the morale that keeps them living. LITERARY!!! Could you bear knowing that you could have contributed to that extension of hope in life but didn’t take action?

Help out the soldiers that fight for your country by sending care packages, letters, and gift baskets that put smiles on soldier’s faces and keeps them moving and protecting us.

A couple of things to bear in mind if you’re writing a letter;
  1. Be Kind and Respectful
  2. Be Appreciative and Uplifting
  3. Refrain from the inclusion of personal information
  4. Be positive and Encouraging
random acts of kindness-best gift listings - send letters to soldiers

Here’s a list of other agencies, all totally dedicated to servicing our troops and giving them the gift of happiness to motivate them to higher levels!

5. “Pay it Forward”

What do we mean by this, quite simply, pay for some else’s something? So, whether that’s a coffee in a coffee shop or offering to pay for half of someone’s groceries, or paying for someone’s haircut at your local barbershop.

Anything really, just make sure that you don’t appear condensing with your offer of payment, or like making them feel like shamed for potentially accepting your offer. That’s just awkward.

6. Present yourself in the Present

In every situation, your presence is the best present.

No, we are not to say go to events such as weddings, celebrations, and thanksgiving thinking “my present is the best present”, that doesn’t work. You’ll look like this

Yah….NOOO. We don’t want that

Be intentful about the people in your life. just show up. When you interact, don’t just hear, listen. People will forever appreciate it.


Help people. Find ways to help with something. Find someone to help. You can help an old lady or a blind man cross the street (no, that’s a novelty thing, people still do it today, just PLEASE don’t have a vlog camera while you do it!) Give someone an awesome piece of advice. Go out of your way to help someone and to make their lives better…and expect nothing. Life will bring its own blessing but don’t expect anything.

8. Just Be a Kind Person

This is really crucial because you have to differentiate it from being a pushover and being a “nice guy” (regardless of gender!) and make sure you truly being a kind, good person rather than those two extremes.

How can you be more kind? Stand up for someone, no matter your age, there are always bullies. Stand up for someone/something. Be nice to someone. Implement things on this list. Be benevolent in your interaction with others.

Offer to give (value) rather than always taking. It’s a one of kind in the realms of random acts of kindness because with enough practice, it truly becomes random and you won’t even realize that you’re being kind.

You don’t have to be “yoda” and you don’t to be the same age as dinosaurs. Just be nice, experienced and speak from the heart. Don’t pull someone down when they are seeking advice just because you failed in it!

9. Actionable Kindness

Are we being redundant? No. There are so many acts of kindness that you can do and help others around you. Want some ideas…

  • Give to the homeless (don’t worry about they are gonna do with the money, (it’s your money, but take the higher level and don’t worry about how they spend it ), put your blind faith in the hope that they’re going to use it to better themselves))
  • Volunteer! Start now to Volunteer!! Start today to Volunteer!!! The world needs more volunteers…in every industry.
  • Help in your own little way, be kind to non-humans. Be a good citizen, be awesome, contribute to society, don’t just take.
  • Insert quarters in the vending machine for the next person.
  • Put your back into being a good person…but don’t give your back and don’t be a pushover!

10. Smile

Need we say more than the emoji? Well, even Mother Theresa said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” Do it with good intent because although Shakespeare said that “There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face”, people can usually insolate a genuine smile.

But, at the end of the day, if you find no genuine reason to smile at someone, do it because studies have proven that smiling makes YOU happier!

Smile wide and big! If you don’t like your smile take time to fix it with a simple toothpaste. Your smile is a natural god-given gift. So own it!

Smile intentionally but no creepily…please and change the world one smile at a time!

Inspired by all the acts of kindness about and are now ready to perform some of them? Check out our article on how to give gifts and share this with others to start making the world a better place!

Or you can read an awesome piece on how to receive gifts

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!