Top 10 Veterans Day Gifts – That Veterans truly want!

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Happy Happy Veterans Day!

Here at Best Gift Listings, we have a great deal of respect for our military and first responders! These are the men and women who fight and pay for our freedom with their (literal) blood, sweat, and tears. While they do this, most of us sit back, hope, and do our best not to take that freedom for granted.

We can’t ever really say enough thank you to these men and women who fight for our nation even when they disagree on the cause. This is because they have individually and collectively paid a price far to great for us to match. Truth is, is such a distinct price tat we probably should even try to match it.

It is important to note that our veterans should be celebrated every day of the year except perhaps on memorial day. If you don’t know why we suggest this, we politely ask that you do some research so find the difference. We promise that it is knowledge worth having.

Additionally, it an awesome gift-giving etiquette and knowledge to possess.

Now in honor of Veterans Day, let’s play the most comically Freedom Song…

Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band

Yeah, you’re welcomed!

This items suggested on this list is only to show our infinitesimal ability to show thanks in hopes that our vets will love these Veterans day gifts.

So What are we waiting for? Let’s look at 10 awesome Veterans day gifts!

1. US Flag – American Flag

Best Gift Listings is proudly American and if you know a veteran and they don’t have an American (and not by choice) and you sit and think “Hmm, what would make for a good veteran’s day gift for so…so…and…so”. We know! An American Flag!

It’s the ultimate external symbol of the American spirit and we think it’s perfect for your Veterans day gift basket. In the States, no flag must fly higher than the American flag!

2. Thank You for Your Service Coin

It’s trivial BUT very sweet.

3. A Ceramic Mug

4. Your Time

A lot of veterans come home with a greater appreciation of family, values, and a more sharpened sense of priority. You must also be positively encouraging in helping them learn that their realization that these aforementioned things truly do matter most.

5. A Trip Down Memory Lane

We suggest you make them a video collage of photos of their favorite memories.

You can go two ways:

  1. Get a collection of photos of her/his friends that they took while on deployment and create a collage.
  2. Get a collection of photos and videos of the things they, unfortunately, missed out on during deployment. Things like birth, baptism, first walk, e.t.c

Take caution: If the Veteran is sensitive and doesn’t want to “relive” these memories due to any reason, refrain from them! But this is rare and they veterans will appraise this well thought out veteran’s day gift and will cherish it past eternity.

Make SURE you edit. You can use Animoto for awesome editing, effects, and a wonderful discount of 25%. It’s simpler than more sophisticated & professional software like Premiere Pro

6. A good ‘Ol Beer

Yes, we don’t advertise alcohol but giving a Veteran a beer is going to be hard to beat by many other gifts. Now you might be thinking, “how could something so trivial as a beer be listed on BGL’s veterans day present?” Are they insane?

No, we are not. It’s really is one of the best Veterans day gifts to give. A cold pack of six-packs of beer.

If you know veterans you will know they love a nice cold six-pack. So, deliver on that six-pack and you will see the joy on their faces!

7. A Simple “Thank You”

Simple as “ABC” folks. Go up to a vet and say thank you. If they don’t have survivor‘s guilt, they will reciprocate and smile. It’s a simple yet one of the best veterans day gifts a veteran would want to receive.

8. A Sweet Sweet Yeti

9. Take them out to eat! – Go out

Going out with family, especially present or former military family members can be refreshing and can be right up in their list of needs that they didn’t want to “bother” everyone with. So, now we gave you an insider secret, use it for the best and have a merry Veteran’s day!

10. Go to a Movie!

Get a ticket to a movie! Go live it up. Well, a movie isn’t really “living it up” but it is so much fun. This is because, at the end of the film, everyone is always chiming in on their favorite parts of the movie.

For all those who served, Thank you for your service. For their families, thank you for sacrifice. God Bless our Veterans. God Bless America!

veterans day gift- best gift listings - waving american flag with bald eagle.
Credit: Giphy Images

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!