Gifts for Kids Under $25 – 25 Inexpensive Gifts for Children

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Kids are the cutest things ever. The thing is that they come with a lot of “little people” demands. They are many but a few are their demand for new knacks, toys, and such. The thing is that most of these things are quite expensive. So, today, we made this list to offer you 25 inexpensive gifts under $25 dollars that you can get for your kid(s) today.

We put a great deal of effort into making this list as practical as possible, in the sense that we didn’t include things like fidget spinners (you could get that if you wanted). Instead, we added gifts that have stood the test of time. Gifts that your kids will keep around and appreciate.

This is all done to make sure that these kids gifts under dollars are spectacular and that you don’t have to visit another to tirelessly look for gift ideas under 25 dollars…only to walk away with no gift ideas!

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Now, let’s begin.

1. Pogo Stick

This is an awesome gift because not only is it under $25 dollars, it is also (awesomely) at being a fun tool.

Usually parent worry about their kids “not wanting to go our more” to play. They worry that all they (the kids) want to do is sit around all day and will only do activities indoors.

This gift is perfect if you know a kid like this OR if this is your kid!

Why, most pogo stick are really outdoor tools but this one is “multi-door”!

Due to its air cushion design, it has doesn’t go inexplicably high. This is great because if you have the average American residence (house)(average ceiling height is 9 ft, your kids won’t run a high risk of doing this (ceiling fan disaster)….but with a pogo stick.

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Sure the won’t be able to do this…

gifts for kids under $25, kids gift under $25 dollars, best gift listings, bestgiftlistings, world record pogo stick jump

but they will be playfully safe. It’s the perfect thing, at least until they get more experience handling a Pogo stick bounce.

Check out this Flybar Pogo Stick above by Clicking Here!

2. Personalized Boy’s Bracelet

The gift before could be for your boy OR your girl. And while this gift could be for girls (we don’t see why not), we recommend it for boys.

It’s an awesome simplistic bracelet that he will love and cherish.

It’s sold on the online fab, PersonalizationMall and it’s pretty simple to customize. Just use this (linked) tool to convert ANY important date that you want into Roman numerals. Input into their system over at PerrsonalizationMall. Hit “Order” and within 2 weeks you will have your boy’s (or girl’s) custom bracelet at the door!

It’s that simple. You should try it.

gifts for kids under $25, kids gift under $25 dollars, best gift listings, bestgiftlistings, date in roman numeral bracelet
Special Date Bracelet

3. Personalized Her’s Speciality Bracelet

So we recommended a cool bracelet for him, here is a cool and awesome customization necklace for her too.

The time, the process is even simple. Just type in the name of your kid (or friend/family member’s kid). Choose a font and the position of the font (left, center, or left). Finally, add to the cart and within 2-3 weeks, you will have your awesome gift.

This gift is perfect for a lot of girls and it’s well-rated as well so you should it out as it is on a discount TOO (or at least should still be when you read this) so check it out.

4. Kids Deluxe Art Set

This is a perfect gift for kids that’s under $25 dollar because you might realize that you have Picasso and it won’t cost you much! 🙂

No, really, your kid could really enjoy this gift and it will give them something to occupy them all day. If they enjoy art, this gift will exemplify and show that so that you (as an adult) can strengthen that in the child.

5. Cute Beanies + Bluetooth Ones Too

When do beanies no look cute on kids. This gift is a no brainer for anyone with kid.

Why? Because, if you think your kid is cute, wait till you put a beanie on them and they become something else — cuter of course.

Oh, and we included some bluetooth beanies so that they could they could have some nice tech right in their beanie.

Kids today really are born into the world of technology, huh?

Anyways, check out the cute beanie recommendations we made below!

6. RC Stuff

If you’ve got a kid who has a knack for things that move, or who is mechanically inclined, this is a great gift for that kid of yours and it won’t cost you more than $25.

Kids these days are loving motorized vehicles as you can see that we included it again on this list. It’s a great play toy, it’s tech and it last for a WHILE.

This gift will provide them with a ton of fun before they get bored (if they get they bored)…which we doubt that they will get bored. As long as this gift is charged and moving, your kids are 100% gonna be loving it.

7. Scarf

Scarf are really cute to wear in the winter time. Depending on when you read this, winter might be coming around the corner in some months OR you might already be in it.

Either way, you don’t have to spend the big bucks on some beautiful cashmere scarfs for your kids – unless you have that money but that’s not why we wrote this.

Rather spend your money on these scarf that we’ve recommended below. Your kid will duly appreciate it because it will give them the same value (or more) as the cashmere and you will save 85%. What’s better than a grand saving on a gift?!

8. This Beauty – A Kid’s Ukelele

Check our this beauty of a gift that we manage to snag for you while keeping it under $25.

If you read the artist kit above and you were like “well I was hoping he/she was more of an Elvis”, start with this kid’s gift here.

This is a great beginner gift for kids to give them because they might end up really enjoying it.

All for all, you get to the giver of the best gift they ever gotten – all for less than 25 bucks.

9. Kids Bean Bag for their Room

This could totally be another gift favorite and we love it. This gift gives great accent to your kids room so that it becomes more leisure-like.

It’s a great gift because it’s plush (who doesn’t like that), it a great size, and they will probably never get of this thing. Yes, they will enjoy it that much!

Lots of adults and college students want this gift because it is a staple in homes. So, why can’t your awesome kids have it as well?

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Hey, you can even add this gift to your (or your friend’s) home!

10. Dope Mugs

Ah, yes, mugs. These are becoming increasingly popular in our lives these days. Adults can’t get enough of them and kids want some too!

Consider buying one of the cute mugs that we recommend below for your kids (or any kid you know for that matter).

We especially love the baby shark mug below! It’s gonna be a while before the baby shark trends go away. So, use it to capture its clout and use that to make a great gift that your child will love! Remember, these mugs are great gifts for kids under $25 dollars so you would save tremendously verses say buying an adult mug.

11. Dinosaur World Train Tracks

Here is a cool kids gift under $25 that you can get for your Dinosaur Worlds fan. This set comes complete with all items to replicate a small city and fulfill your child’s imagination for days!

12. A Cool Journal

If you got or know a kid who can write (which you probably do), then this is a great gift for him or her.

Journaling can be a great source of relief for many adults and can instrumentally awesome for your kids as well.

All of the journals that we are recommending below for your kids are under $25 and are well rated.

Some of these are formative journals and have guides. Others have blank pages so that your kids can draw, paint, and write.

We suggest you check our a few to see which your kid likes and buy it for them.

We also included some lockable journals (girls and boys included). This way, if you’ve got a kids who likes to keep their thoughts to themselves, this would be great for them.

13. Awaken the Singer in them with a Karaoke Microphone

So you’ve seen the Picasso gifts above, you’ve seen the Elvis gift, what if you’ve you’ve got a Whitney Houston?

This gift will be tons of fun because you can find out with this gift.

And, hey if they are not, you’ve just got an awesome gift idea for your kids and it’s under $25. Chances are, regardless, they will have a tremendous amount of fun with this gift anyway.

They are Bluetooth-connected so no need to worry about someone tripping and falling. You can save the sound for playback so that your kids can show off to their friends – or just have a grand old time with their voice.

14. Wooden Box for Your Crafty Ninja of a Kid

If you’ve got a baby handy man in your house… then there could not be a more perfect gift for him or her than this gift right here.

15. Emoji Pillows

If you’ve got a kid who’s room looks like it could use a little less trash and a little more useful decor, which is every kid ever ;), then this gift is for them!

This is one of the most simple gifts for kids that you can find for under $25 bucks. It’s very cute, plush, and personable. And, get this, at this young age of their, you can get away with giving this kid to your kids (no matter the gender!). You know that there is no doubt that your kid(s) is(are) going to love this awesome gift.

16. Indoor Basketball Hoop Setup

Check out this gift that inspires physical activity even when the kid is indoors.

This can go on a common wall like the hallway wall or in your kid’s bedroom wall or door.

It’s a great gift that you can snag for your athletic kids. OR really, if you think your kid (who might currently not be athletic) would like.

Anyhow you put it, you can see that it works great for almost any kid!

Thank you for reading this far. We hope that you find the gift that you are looking for somewhere in this list. If you can not find it, suggest it to us so that we might take notes. Heck, we might edit and include in THIS post!

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17. Snap Circuit Electronics

If you’ve got a kid that likes to tinker with tech especially wires and such, then this gift is for them.

This is a great gift to keep them occupy and help them explore their hobbies. This could lead to something more and can even be the start of their future.

Check out the snap circuit kits and consider giving it as a gift to your kid(s). We think your kid(s) will definitely fall in love with this kit.

18. Lego Set (Yes, Under $25!)

Here’s a great gift for the kid who love to build things. Lego has expanded their market value by partnering with a lot of brand.

They partnered with a bunch of movie franchises, kids brands and influencers, movies, and toy manufacture.

This is awesome because it means that your kids could have their favorite movie, show, book in LEGO toys. Awesomely, this means that you have a wide variety to choose from. You will find that your kid’s hobbies, fantatics, and favorite pass time are represented.

You can view LEGO’s store by clicking here.

However, here are some recommendations of some LEGO sets that make for great gifts for kids AND that are under $25.

19. Pullback Vehicles

I (John, the author) of this article, used to love these when I was young. There were one of the best gift that I ever got and certainly one of best toys.

It bring great joy to a kid to just have a machine that can toil with all day. Just find a piece of hallway (wooden or cement). Pull the rope at the bag. Put the car down with the rope retracted. Let go of the rope and watch it zoom away…then repeat.

It was so much fun and this is (weirdly) enough my favorite gifts out of all these gift for kids under $25. I have a personal attachment to them and I think your kids will too if you give it a chance.

20. Kid’s Hover Soccer Ball Set (Floating Ball+ 2 Goalie Posts)

Here’s a perfect leisure game. This cute toy turns a world favorite sport so that you kids can play it indoors.

If you’ve got a soccer fan or soccer player in your house, this is a great gift for him or her. Or, if your household is a soccer-loving household, then there could not be a better gift for that kid under $25 than this one right here.

21. Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube

Here’s an awesome toy for your audiophile or your musically inclined mini-you. Even though this toy comes with a limited sound memory it has somehow manage to occupy the minds of kids for hours and really expand their creativity.

As small as it is, it’s one of the best gifts for kids under $25 on this cool list. We know kids like this gifts so you should definitely see if it’s something your kid would like.

If he or she likes it, GREAT. If not or if you don’t think they will like it (you know your kid better than us), that’s fine, we will find another gift for them. We’ve got plenty of gift ideas and recommendations…and we have more coming soon!

22. Kid’s Walkie Talkies

Here’s an awesome gift you can grab like a spy for your to-be spy. If you’ve got a kid who plays pretend “park ranger” or thinks he or she is a CIA spy, you might just make his or her day with this awesome gift.

You can see by the pricing in comparison to the other gifts we have on here, it’s nearly $25 dollars (yet not over). It’s a great catch of a gift for any kid who loves pretending to be a spy and calling “over” calls.

23. Kid’s Coloring Book

Here’s another cute little gift for your drawers and painter. If you’ve got a kid who is an artist then this could be an awesome gift for them so check it out.

What’s a better gift to help them explore their creativity than this cute gift of pure awesomeness.

24. Game for Kids

Kids love to play. Anything that can occupy their mind in fantasy becomes a game for them. This gift here fits the bit just fine.

It’s a great gift for kids. We’ve got some classic for kids like “Connect 4” and “Uno”. We also recommend some cool to try games like “Codename” and “Sorry”.

25. Science Kits

If you’ve got a Tiera Guinn, a Cynthia Breazeal, or a Neil deGrasse Tyson, then could be THE GIFT for them. Help them explore and satisfy their scientific curiosity with these science kits below. These are great gifts for your kids and it’s crazy that you can grab one or two and still be under $25 dollars!

You might be surprised what your kids can make with these that will cost less than 2 cups of coffee.

Conclusion – Gifts for Kids Under $25, So what?

Yep, that’s the end. We would write more but hopefully you found something you liked. Remember if you didn’t find what you like, make sure we know that so we can correct it next time. We love your feedback.

Anyways, those are the top 25 gifts for kids under $25. The best of the best deals out there. We outsourced them form multiple vendors like Etsy, PersonalizationMall, Amazon, etc.

These gifts that we have included are fan favorites and we can pretty much guarantee you will rock our kid’s world. As you’ve seen, this list contains gifts that cover many types of kids.

All these gifts were put on this list after clear vetting to make sure that your recipient will love them. We believe giving gifts that your recipient cares about should always be paramount in gift-giving.

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!