Top 12 Gifts for Bloggers & Gift Ideas for Writers & Aspiring Bloggers

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Bloggers do a lot of awesome work in educating, informing, entertaining, and inspiring people. They do great service for all who they write for and should be appreciated with gifts for bloggers.

Blogging is a great pleasure! It’s one of the best things anyone could do. When a great blogger busts their ass and works hard, blogging can be incredibly rewarding as shown by the google search: “blogger income report“.

However, as we stated bloggers work their asses off. So, if you know a blogger you should make no haste to find the best gifts for bloggers.

This lets you support them so that they can turn their passion (or side hustle) into a professional career.

Between the superspeed typing clacking…

gifts for bloggers - best gift listings

…and the juggling of a cup of coffee 8 inches away from their $1300 computer…

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…it would be astute to say that bloggers have their own fair share of hustle, stress, and grind.

Best Gift Listings is a gift listings blog dedicated to helping find the best gift ideas for any person, for any budget, and for any occasion. We also provide regular gift guides that offer pure advice with no gift inspiration. When we started we busted long hours (≈ 12 hours ) and still are doing so (10 to 15). Both of us work relentlessly and grind for the love of blogging!

The best part is that when a blogger falls in love with this, they’d do it for 18 hours straight after only sleeping for 6 hours!

We admit, as we know from experience, that bloggers are hard to come by. But that’s exactly why we wrote this article. People know this and don’t write about it and it does a disservice for the one person in a multitude who actually needs it.

Now, if that person is you, great! If not, still GREAT! Keep reading.

1. Tech Gifts

A Blogger’s Heartbeat – Laptops

best gift listings - heartbeat

Truly, laptop computers are the heartbeat of a blogger and hence the perfect gift for bloggers.

Laptops are in the quintessential image when you think about a blogger. Perhaps they are working from home or in a cafe…but they always have their laptop with them.

A “blogger” without a laptop without a lion who can’t roar…or a car without engines…or a bird without wings…or a human without a heartbeat. Well, you get the point.

A laptop is one of the best gifts for a blogger because that’s the only way that can be able to publish their work with the world.

But wait, does that mean my blogger can’t use a desktop, you may ask.

They absolutely can. Actually, we recommend a desktop as well as a laptop because it gives the blogger a better sense of professionalism in their work.

However, if you have to choose one, choose a laptop!

A laptop is a better gift for bloggers and a clear choice favorite for a variety of reasons.

Here are a few:

  • Laptops are lighter than Desktops.
  • It has the same performance or even higher performance as Desktops.
  • It’s more portable and travel-friendly than Desktops.
  • Smaller workspace and set up needed.
  • Less power usage than desktops.
  • Power outages will not affect laptops if you have extra batteries and power banks, hence your blogger can work no matter what.
  • A smaller and more advanced system equals faster and smoother work experience.
  • …and many more reasons!

You see, but we know that some of you may still like the old fashion way (if you would).

We know and that’s all good and dandy so we’ve done something for you. We’ve researched the best Desktop computers that we can find, without blowing your budget, and we linked them below as well.

Bigger Gifts – All-in-One Desktops

In a sense, there even bigger gifts due to their bigger frames!

You’re welcomed.


List Secondarily under the tech gift category is storage.

If you are buying from our recommendations, you will not need this but if your blogger already has a laptop, then giving them extra storage could be a very tangible gift for that blogger.

Blogger is posting loads of pictures with their works and sooner or later they will run out of storage. Having extra storage to open up and use could be an awesome gift and a business lifesaver so that why we recommend it.

Videography – for your Blogger/Vloggers

Blogger comes in all shapes and sizes but mostly in two forms. Regular bloggers like us, Create and Go, Anne. Then there are vloggers (formally known as “Video Bloggers”. These are usually Instagram influencers, YouTubers, etc.

If know one of these people blogger and want to give them a gift then you’ve got to give them the gift of videography. Enable them to capture better images with this blogger gift.

This gift will give them the ability to graduate from raunchy phone level video into professional pieces.

What makes a good blogger (more like a podcaster) without an awesome microphone system. This is especially helpful for bloggers who depend greatly on audio. Public speakers, Social media figures, and podcasters all depend on great audio setups to do their magic so add your person to the list with this blogger gift.

This is a great investment to a blogger. One that no blogger would take lightly. If you’re skeptical and want to be really sure, contact your blogger and ask. It doesn’t really violate any gifting etiquette unless it’s a surprise.

“Cool Down or Focus” Tech

Yes, oddly named but we are talking about headphones. These are one of the best gifts for a blogger because sometimes your blogger’s mind just goes numb or continuously distracted.

This usually means they need to find better focus or cool down without being a hassle to others and their environment.

You know…cool down and take some time off and do something else in order to refocus.

gifts for bloggers - best gift listings - parks and go

When your blogger is at home, that can listen to some music. Depending on who they are, listening to music can even boost their productivity! If they are in public and need some downtime or relaxation time with music they can listen to a variety of musical scores without interrupting the lives of others around them.

2. Graphic Design Tools

When your blogger gets serious about blogging, they’ll learn about the legalities of blogging especially copyright infringement. It’s serious stuff for a blogger and no one is above the law in this case.

When we (bloggers) get into “the flow” of writing, you want to think about as little things as possible. As silly as it sounds, that includes thinking about who to give photo credits.

So one of the best ways for you to make sure that your blogger doesn’t get tangled in with to give them a license to a website or software where they can download and/or quality images that have been permitted for reuse.

These are usually premium but their worth it for any blogger. And. We wanna help you save money.

3. Blogger Merch

No blogger should be denied the fun of owning some Blogger’s Merch! It’s a fantastic gift because it’s a fantastic branding for all bloggers. It gives a blogger joy and a sense of being in a “larger community and network” with other bloggers.

Check out just four of these awesome blogger merch items.

4. Planning and Organization

A blogger who wants to become professional and one of the best at what they do should be organized and have their sh%t under control. This means many things but one of the most prominent things it means is he or she needs to plan better.

All bloggers need to be more organized and efficient and having an actual planner is a great way to do it.

Now, we are not discounting resources like Google Calendars. We are just strongly suggesting a real tangible calendar because real planners are proven to work better than digital calendars.

Additionally, if your blogger is the type of person that works better with google calendar, then that’s perfect. He or she can use that as well.

5. Softwares, Extension, and Plugins

Most of the blogger gifts that we are going over a gift that will help your blogger elevate their game into a (more) professional level.

These softwares make life so much easier for so many bloggers becuase it cuts down the work dramatically, giving them more time to focus on other tasks.

We will update this list as things change and as time goes by.

  • ConvertKit – For Email collecting starting from day 1!
  • Grammarly – For Grammatical correction as he or she writes.
  • Quickbooks – For Finacial Recording
  • Pretty Links – To personalize links and shorten long-form links.

6. Social Media Management Tools

A blogger is nothing is they can’t become masters of social media management for their brand.

This is such a huge topic in the world of blogging that many bloggers who blog about bloggers make loads of money teaching and mentoring others about this subject.

There is a lot to learn about social management but this is article is not to teach about that. It’s to show you great gifts for bloggers under the social media management tool category.

These tools are the best tools that help make bloggers great in their crafts, hence making for excellent blogger gifts. The best part is that these tools are super inexpensive and wallet-friendly.

No really, for real. Check out the list below

  • Tailwind – $/YEAR
  • Social Plug – $/YEAR
  • Social Warfare Pro Plugin – $/YEAR

7. Blogging Courses

Here we are at the 2nd best gift on this list-behind a computer.

Blogging courses are the holy grail of blogging knowledge. It provides a blogger with the fast track to success because it allows them access to a wealth of information from better and more experienced bloggers for a reasonable cost.

It’s the best and most acceptable shortcut and it so much better than the drudgery of having to figure it all out!

We, ourselves, have both taken a few courses and we did a lot of research to find the best of the best and avoid scam.

Why all the research?

For the inexperienced (and even sometimes for experienced bloggers), there is an incredible amount of scam, recycle, unoriginal, and fake information online being shared!


As we previously stated, we did a lot of research to find some great courses and they are working as our traffic and revenue are growing. If you look for their reviews, there is a multitude for these blogging course masters.

These guys are not “gurus”, they are real people sharing real, valuable, and helpful information with their audience. We are not going to recommend to you something that we have done.

Who are we talking about?


gifts for bloggers - best gift listings - cerateandgo lauren and alex

These guys are awesome are a huge powerhouse in the blogging community because of their selfless and customer-centered form of education. These guys go above and beyond.

If we could say all that we wanted to say, we’d need an article and some just for them! In the fact that we want to save you a little bit of time, check out some of their courses below by clicking any other images and the course that it corresponds to.

gifts for bloggers - best gift listings - cerateandgo logo

8. Niche-Specific Gifts

These are pretty quickly explained and simple because they are very particular to your blogger.

So, if you’ve got a travel blogger, get them some suitcases, travel tickets, etc. If you’ve got a fitness blogger, buy them some rudimental gym equipment and supplements. If you’ve got a food blogger, buy them a foodie.

Give your bloggers gifts that are specific to their niche of blogging.

9. [REAL] Blogger Starter Tools

There are just some tools that make for absolutely awesome gifts for bloggers because they are immensely essential to a blogger’s success.

These tools make up different parts of a blogger’s business. Some of these tools are free but most are premium and priced so that’s why we think you can buy it as a gift in order to relieve your blogger of the financial burden.

There is a long list but we’ve made it just for you.

Check it out here..after you finish this article.

10. Online Backup and Storage Software

A blogger is playing a fool’s game is he or she is blogging without backup software or online storage.

We recommend that they have duplicates of their media (video, pictures, and posts) files because doing without and otherwise is extremely dangerous. If the website crashes or files are lost in bulk, life becomes for any blogger who didn’t set up the proper backup system.

  • Google Drive – Premium
  • OneDrive – Premium
  • Updraft Plus – Backup Plugin

11. A Furnished Office

Another thing that adds to a great blogger’s professional image is their office. Having a separate where one can work can dramatically improve productivity which can, in turn, lead to increased earnings!

Additionally, having an office gives your blogger a mental structure where there know that “this desk” is a productivity section of their house. This way they won’t mix anything and can be better disciplined in creating fulfilling work.

Now we are not advising you to buy a whole office, just some mere essentials below.

12. Expert Books

Just like the course listed above, blogging books give a blogger (no matter their experience level) the opportunity of accessing information realized by more experienced bloggers and successful entrepreneurs.

We sorted through a lot of the bad stuff to find these great recommendations. Check them out. Your blogger will probably testify to the fact that these are awesome blogger gift in a few weeks after reading some of them.

If you liked the post, we have more but don’t forget to share this post on all your social media.

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We thank you very much!

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!