Top 12 Gifts for Golfers – Best Golf Gifts – Golfing Gifts

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If you’re looking to “putt” your golfer away with some awesome golfer gifts, then look no further because we are here to deliver exactly that!

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Did you know that golf balls were originally made of wood?…. Wait or did you know that a game of golf has been played on the moon?

No? You didn’t know?

Yeah, neither did we until now!

Golf is awesome and it’s a favorite sport for many people around the world. It has made many incredible, world-class, record-breaking stars.

We love the sport and although we’ve never been good at it, we great admirers of the sport. If you know a golf player who you’d like to give a gift, then keep reading this best gift listings of gifts for golfers.

Let’s get to it shall we?

1. Golf Bag

How do find a golfer who most likely has no car trunk or cargo space?

Find the person who didn’t carry enough material to carry a golfing bag with him or her.

Chances are, you probably won’t find this person because everyone who has taken an interest in the sport of golfing finds this to be one of the main essentials along with the golf club and golf ball…and this is why it particular makes for such an awesome golfer gift.

Carrying an awesome golfing bag is a great asset to golfers because it gives them the ability to carry several golf clubs and putts to switch in and out.

…more options for your choosing

2. Three-Piece Novelty Pen Holder

It’s lovely when an athlete or a fan of a sport is able to enjoy the sport outside of the sport and one of the best ways to do this is with sports novelty!

Check out this awesome as an incredible gift to give to you favorite golfer (or golfers). [Hey we don’t judge that you have more than one “favorite”].

It’s a fun, little, nifty, and inexpensive gift to give a golfer because they get to keep it around themselves and utilize it in their everyday lives.

3. Golf Organizer as one of the Best Golfer Gifts

Giving this as a gift to a golfer gives them the ability to organize their golfing materials so that can easily reorganize and move whenever they’re ready to go golfing.

All of the golfing organizers (shelves) that we recommend are super portable and very modular which makes for easy construction, relocation, reconstruction.

This also means that these organizers are made with very sturdy materials, hence longer shelf life. (Pun slightly intended)

Still reading? Well we’ve got 8 more gifts for golfer that we know that you’ll love!

4. One for the Pints – Golf Ball Pint Glass

Here’s one for the cool down. A awesome glass for the pint after a golf game is a great gift as they can relax with a glass of the favorite beer, soda, or rum!

Check out our recommendations below!

Talk about a pair of gift made in heaven…these two (4.) and (5.) could totally an awesome golfer gift match made in heaven.

5. Bottle Opener

Here’s one of the smallest yet memorable gifts for a golfer. A Golf-designed bottle opener.

This is a winner in our eyes because it cost very little and it’s a gift you can pick up in a hurry and it will save you the troubles of giving mediocre gifts.

Any golfer would love this because it’s also a novelty and compliments well with a lot of gifts on this list.

We discuss the idea for you to consider gifts that complement each other here in our gift-giving etiquette guide. Check out that article….after you finish this one of course.

6. The Best Golf Balls as gifts for Golfers

An absolute essential for all golfers. A golfer without a golf ball is like Blu from Rio. It’s at best, comedic. At worst? Pathetic. Even if they already have dozens of golf balls, it worth it to help them stock up as these are a dime a dozen. It’s a small inexpensive gift and you can see why we love it so much.

This, like every other gift to this point, may seem like an awesome yet simple gift for a golfer but that’s what really makes it grand.

It perfectly captures the sport of golf.

From the outside, golf looks like an easy hobby but a real golfer who is passionate about golfing knows the grind and intricacies that go into being a remarkable golf athlete.

7. Golf Rangefinder

8. Golf Watch

Check out this awesome gift that could be one of the best things you can give to a golfer – a watch made for Golfers.

These watches are made especially awesome for golfers because the creators made them with golfers in mind.

The GPS watches comes preloaded with courses that your golfer can select from and complete, just like someone would select a run from a treadmill. It also comes with step tracking along with many other nifty features which helps your athlete play better and keep fit.

Check them out below!

More Options…

9. Trunk Organizer for their Golfer’s Stuff

Here’s a great gift for your favorite golfer! An organizer for their trunk. This nifty gift helps them arrange all their golf materials instead of leaving it gathered as if the trunk was looted by bandits.

Additionally, it very mobile so they can carry it to the club house and the range and back into their homes after a day work at the golf course.

Oh…we forgot that it adds a little bit of style and pizzazz!

10. Golf Ball Holder

Speak of nifty gift and check out this cool guy, a golf ball holder.

This is just a small gift that we recommend that you pair with another gift so that your golfer doesn’t look at you like this…for giving just that to them.

What can you pair it with? LITERALLY anything on this list!

Yep, you can give this gift along with something that might seem as small and nifty as a pack of golf ball and you would have given a great gift to your golfer!

We looked at a few but really only liked this one so we recommend it. Just it, nothing else. Just to make sure you have the best of the best, not a bunch of mediocre options.

11. Ball Return Putting Mat

The thing about golf is it unlike any other sport in the fact that you’d have to practice it with a lot of landscape but when you have one of these high top gifts…the game changes!


These mats are like mobile mini-mini golf courses that lets your golfer practice his or her shot without having to go and fetch after a great shot.

It helps home your golfer’s putting skills so that when he or she (or you) hits the course, an audience of Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus would be blown away!

12. Golfing Gloves

If you enjoyed that post, please feel free to share the post with anyone that you want to share it with….

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….and don’t forget to check out the article recommendations below!

Thank you and God Bless!

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!