Giving the Ultimate Gift – Simplified

giving the ultimate gift

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How do you make sure your gift, in any situation, is the best gift? How do you give a gift regardless of your budget?

The first thing you must define when giving a present is;

What is the occasion?

This is because you can’t give an Easter present (i.e. Easter Bunny) on Christmas even though they both celebrate the same person. The idea is that even though the celebrate the same person, the celebrate drastically different ideas about said person.

Sometimes you don’t know the occasion, sometimes you simply want to give something such as a surprise to make a friend’s day better. It’s okay if there’s no concrete event, but you must have an idea of why you’re giving the gift.

You then have to define…

Who you are “gifting” & what do they mean to you

Let’s explain, you have two cousins- a 6-year-old boy and an 18-year-old boy. You can’t give them the same present even though both are your cousins! You just can’t.

The 6-year-old might get a scooter or a game boy and the 18-year-old might get a college-going present such as a Laptop. Could you get the 18-year-old a Gameboy and make him happy? Probably, but the laptop will probably be more beneficial to him than the Gameboy.

Thirdly define the meaning of the gift.

This concept is as simple as “you cannot give your spouse or significant other the same thing every valentine”. You need to spice things up and this takes heart (passion) and mind (thought). You might give your girlfriend flowers and jewelry one year but then maybe dinner and a dog the next year.

It might be a present for your house, such as a piece of furniture. Even though it’s for you, it’s a decoration for your house, which is inherently a gift for you.

You have to define the meaning of the gift. This perhaps the most important aspect of gift-giving because if you figure this out, then you’ve probably incorporated who the person is and the occasion of the gift-the first two concepts we went over above.

Finally, you must define your budget

This includes the gift, any customizations to said gift, any fees to the merchant (i.e. shipping) and maintenance (like subscription fees for subscription gifts). Figure out how much you care to pay or how much you can afford to pay.

This is where things get tricky; for instance, you know and want to give your girlfriend something that would make her scream in joy but you can’t afford it, perhaps you need to rethink what you are giving and place this point first before you restart this guide.

Figure out these four concepts and you’ll be the perfect Gifter. Good luck Ladies and Gents

Check out “Gift-Giving Etiquette” here

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!