Work From Home Gifts – 10 Gifts for People Who Work From Home

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If you’ve got Family or a Friend who works from home, then check out this list of Top 10 Work From Home Gifts for People who Work from their cozy Homes.

If you've got Family or a Friend who works from home, then check out this list of Top 10 Work From Home Gifts for People who Work from their cozy Homes. #giftforpeoplewhoworkfromhome

Working from home can be a great blessing in one’s life. Working from home does not mean “not doing any work,” “relaxing in the job.” Rather, working from home is a great discipline that requires a lot from its practitioners.

Here’s a very short list containing some of those requirements:
  • Time-management
  • Organizational skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Content Creation Skills
  • Incredible (or at least decent) Typing Speed
  • Marketing Skill
  • Salesmanship
  • Graphic Design Skills
  • One man team (this is the case for many solo bloggers)
  • and a whole slew of other requirements as they come up.

If one is not innately equipped to cope and thrive in this environment, working from home can quickly consume an individual.

Working from home is growing…A LOT

The fact is that working from home is becoming more popular as we move towards a more technologically advanced era.

This is especially evident in today’s climate as more people are working from home than ever before.

So, whether you own your own business or you work remotely for a big corporation, or any reason in between, working from home and the furnishing of a home office increases in importance for the sake of productivity.

You need a designated space to work. You may be able to use an entire room devoted to your workspace or simply a corner in your bedroom.

No matter where it is, it should feel professional and help you focus. It can be easy to get distracted by all of the things going on in your house or the list of household chores that need to be done. You want to establish the idea is that once you enter your “workspace”, you are ready for work and can leave the rest behind.

Maybe you know someone who has recently made the transition to working from home, and you would like to get them a nice work from gift to commemorate this?

Or maybe, you are looking for a simple birthday gift for someone who happens to work from home? Either way, we’ve got you covered with the top 10 work from home gifts!

Before we begin, we want to ask you to consider sharing this post with friends and family. You can do this by clicking the image below, copying the browser link or simply word of mouth recommendation.

If you've got Family or a Friend who works from home, then check out this list of Top 10 Work From Home Gifts for People who Work from their cozy Homes. #giftforpeoplewhoworkfromhome

1. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

It is, hands-down, one of the most sought-after gifts for people who work from home.

Whether you are trying to work with kids running around or you are home alone all day, there will still be all kinds of noises trying to take your attention away from your work.

That’s why noise-canceling headphones are an absolute must for anyone working from home!

Noise-canceling headphones are one of the most practical work from gift ideas for the people in your life who work from home!

2. Coffee Mug

If the person in your life who works from home is a coffee (or tea) lover, it’s always a great idea to gift them with a coffee mug!

it’s a great gift for people who work from home because you have many options. They are customizable mugs which can be customized to all taste, styles, etc. You can also find awesome pre-designed mugs or popular brand mugs to choose from.

The possibilities could be endless for this simple work from home gift.

Oh, they’ll probably be thinking of you every time they walk into the kitchen and fix their first cup of morning coffee! So that’s a bonus, right?

3. Coffee Machine

Coffee has become such a staple in the lives of many. It charges you up when even when you can’t manage.

Simply put, coffee is a great fuel for the human spirit. This makes a coffee maker one of the most helpful gifts for people who work from home.

Working from home has so many different perks, but it also has some setbacks. One major being; time crunch. For instance, your person won’t always have time to go on a Starbucks coffee run every morning like conventional employees.

So, instead of wasting time some otherwise useful time, go ahead bring the coffee to them with a coffee machine!

4. Phone Dock

Phones are an amazing piece of technology, but let’s face it, they can be a little distracting if you are trying to focus and get work done.

Whether you are working from home or not, any good office employee needs a place to put their phone while they are working!

This is a practical work from home gift will help the person in your life who works from home stay focused and be more productive!

If you got someone who is technologically-inclined like an avid gamer or an engineering student, this could be their next great gadget in their tech arsenal!

5. Comfy Slippers

Even if you have 5 video conference calls in one day, a person who works from home will never have to worry about what shoes they are wearing while working!

So, you should get them some incredibly comfortable slippers! They can wear their work clothes with their comfy slippers, and no one will ever know!


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If you've got Family or a Friend who works from home, then check out this list of Top 10 Work From Home Gifts for People who Work from their cozy Homes. #giftforpeoplewhoworkfromhome

Hey, you know what? You can do it however way you wish. For taking the time to read this, we sincerely thank you!

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6. Desk Chair

Typically, people who work in offices don’t have to worry about what kind of desk chair to get because it came with their office or cubicle. But, it’s a totally different case if you work from home!

If the person in your life is just now transitioning to working from home, they may be in need of a really comfortable desk chair.

It’s a fantastic work from home gift that they will remember every time they sit down to get started on their work for the day.

7. Pens Set

No matter the occupation, anybody who works from home can use a good set of nice pens! This is a simple, yet thoughtful gift for your friend or family member who works from home!

8. Planner

These days we carry planners on our phones and computers. However, nothing compares to having a physical planner. Studies have shown that writing is better than typing.

Getting a planner for the person in your life who works from home tremendously. It will help them to be more organized and keep them on track with all of their appointments and meetings!

9. Whiteboard

One thing that may be missing from a home office is a whiteboard! They’re great for brainstorming, taking notes, and writing out important events and things to remember. Whiteboards are very versatile and will help to transform any place into a home office.

10. Desk Organizer Sets

Being organized is so important when it comes to preparing a home office! Having a specific place to put everything will help with productivity and focus, not to mention it will keep your home clean since your office is also your home.


The number of people working from home is exponentially rising. So, chances are that you or someone you know are currently working from a home office. So, thanks for joining us by reading this article, and we hope that you leave this article feeling inspired!

If you’re ever looking for more gift ideas for any occasion, be sure to check out our Homepage, Pinterest, and Twitter for even more inspiration! There you find gifts for different family members no matter their passion, no matter the occasion, and no matter your budget!

Consider joining our mailing list for awesome gift ideas. As a thank you, we will send you our FREE “Gift Giving Simplified” Gifting Guide. This way, you can keep being an awesome gift giver!

Please share the post with family and friends by clicking the image below or by sharing the browser link. Thank you and Happy Gifting!

If you've got Family or a Friend who works from home, then check out this list of Top 10 Work From Home Gifts for People who Work from their cozy Homes. #giftforpeoplewhoworkfromhome

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!