Top 12 Quarantine Gifts – Gifts for Someone in Quarantine

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The world has been turned upside down with the corona pandemic. If you know someone who could benefit from an awesome gift, we’ve got 12 quarantine gifts!

You know, as mentioned before, it’s no secret that the world is currently going through unprecedented times. With the Coronavirus Pandemic among us, it has left so many feeling alone and isolated from the world that we once knew.

From going to coffee with friends to simply going to the grocery store without a care in the world, it can sometimes feel that things will never be the same.

Whether you have a friend who is feeling down or a family member who is one of those at most risk, we’ve compiled a list for the top 12 gift ideas for someone in quarantine!

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This list of items is sure to bring a smile to your family member or friend and remind them of how loved and cherished they are!

1. Letter-writing Stationary

With our first idea, we are taking it old school! Yes, you could simply send a text, but where’s the fun in that?! You should get your loved one some awesome stationery, and you guys could write to each other!

Now, not only is this providing a fun hobby and something to do, but it’s also giving the person you care about something to look forward to with checking the mail every day during quarantine!

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Maybe carrier pigeons and mail delivery owls are extinct but writing physical letters to loved ones is not!

2. Puzzle

This quarantine gift will provide a lot of entertainment! Puzzles are a great way to exercise your brain and spend time doing something fun!

The cool thing about puzzles is that you can select one that matches your loved one’s personality!

Does he/she love dogs? There’s a puzzle for that! What about movies? Yep! You really can’t go wrong with this quarantine gift!

3. Board Games

If the person you are purchasing a gift for is quarantined with other family members, a board game is a great gift! It will provide endless entertainment and an excuse for the recipient of your quarantine gift to get off their phone/electronics and connect with the ones around him/her.

4. Safe Outdoor Activity

Similar to the quarantine gift idea with a board game, an outdoor activity could also be a great gift! During quarantine, it is so important that we are staying active, connecting with others, and getting outside. With a ring toss, cornhole, or another outdoor activity, this accomplishes just that!

5. [in-home] Live Plant

Giving a plant to someone in quarantine as a gift is a win-win! They will have something beautiful to look at and decorate their home with while also having something to take care of and keep them occupied!

Granted, these might be have some work connected to it because you have to constantly water the plants. However, the reward is worth it.

We also included some non live-plants, just in case you really wanted to go with that choice.

Here are some synthetic plants that make for great quarantine gifts

6. Gardening Equipment

Similar to the quarantine gift idea with a plant, if the loved one that you are gifting to has an outdoor area such as a yard or terrace, gardening equipment would be a great gift! There’s no better time to start a new, fun hobby than when you are being quarantined at home!

7. Cookbook

While some local restaurants in your area may be providing takeout, people in quarantine are still spending the majority of their time eating at home. Why not grab your loved one a cookbook filled with awesome recipes that they can try? This quarantine gift idea is sure to hit the spot!

8. Books

If the friend or family member that is quarantined in your life loves to read, a simple book could be all it takes to cheer them up!

Book are great because they are an awesome past time and you read other people’s words with your own “head-voice”. Personally, for me that always adds a dimension to the book…and I like that.

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Diving into an amazing book gives you a sense of escape from the world around you.

Here’s a list of the 100 books to read in a lifetime for ideas and recommendations!

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Click to Find Books you Should Give as Gift

9. Kindle Gift Card

Carrying on with the idea of all things books, if the book lover in your life has a Kindle, you could simply get them a Kindle gift card! Now, they can choose their own books and stay entertained during quarantine!

Gift cards are incredibly awesome and we recommend you open (in a new tab) our article on 50 Best and Most Popular Gift Cards to Give to as Gift

10. Journal

As we said early, this Coronavirus pandemic is something that will (hopefully) only happen once in a lifetime. 100 years from now, there will be people learning about this in their history class. This quarantine gift is both sentimental and entertaining because your loved one will have an activity to fill their time in which they can share with their children/grandchildren in the future.

11. Custom Masks

If the person you know absolutely must go out, it may be nice to get them a protective mask that fits their personality!

Whether they are in quarantine because their area requires it or because they are easily susceptible and worried about getting sick, it’s always a good idea to have a mask handy just in case they have to go out.

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Awesome Custom Face Masks from Etsy

12. Workout Equipment

The final quarantine gift idea is another hobby that will greatly benefit your friend or family member! It’s so important to prioritize your health and stay active, and this gift will do just the trick!

Being quarantined is definitely less than ideal. At times, it can get really lonely and boring, but it doesn’t have to be!

So, If you know of someone who is feeling alone or struggling with being quarantined during these hard times, try and get them something from our list above and watch their smile light up. Your thoughtfulness can really go a long way!

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!