Gifting occasions + List examples – Gifting Etiquette!

gifting occasions

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There’s a lot that factors in how to give the perfect gift. Things like personal budget, who the gift is for, the meaning of the gift, etc. But one of the most important parts is understanding different gifting occasions.

In this blog, in case you were still slightly confused after reading, we will go list several occasions to give gifts, we also analyze the two TYPES of “gift-giving occasions”.

We will then dive in to grab some tips that would aid you to discern what the “gifting occasion” is and help bring the best gift for any occasion you are presented with! This post is going to be a short analysis of gift-giving.

So, without further ado, let us commence!

Firstly let [briefly] analyze the TYPES of gifting occasions.

The first criterion is what we like to call “formal” or “eventful” gifting occasions. Here’s a list of occasions that might be in this criterion: Birthdays, wedding, holiday, anniversary, Burials, Graduations, House warming, baby showers, job promotion or relocation celebrations, weeding engagements celebrations, special days like Father’s Day, potluck, someone coming out, quinceaneras, life achievements, etc.

Gifting at Occasions like these are more often expected than otherwise. For example, if you go to a child 15th birthday party with “your presence” as a gift, though it is a viable option if you can’t afford a quick cheap gift, doesn’t bode well, unless the 15 year is aware of your financial predicament.

Secondly, the other type of gifting occasion is more or less the direct opposite of the initial one. We have accordingly named this criterion the “informal” or “uneventful” gifting occasions. Now we must disclaim that although properly named, that name might be misleading because it leaves this criterion in an ambiguous style.

This is because gift received/given/exchanged in this criterion can range from useless trinkets such as; the one stem of flower that your boyfriend plucked when you guys walk past beautiful orchard and present you….to that one truly timed invest DIY project that you made for your husband of 40 years on a random Friday, made from fragments of your relationship up to that point….while you guys attending college….initially having no substance or meaning due to its lack talent that it took to create it, and now, somehow, you guys now value as a family treasure and display it in the most observable and perhaps ostentatious part of your home.

Although effort can be spent to name the occasions in this criterion, most time these occasions can’t even be identified unless in retrospect and sometimes never ever been identified. The gifts in this criterion mostly submit to being the most tangible of all gift you could ever give another human, regardless of their relationships with you.

Yes! This category includes hugs, kisses, “your present”, time spent with loved one when it was inconvenient for you to do so, small gift trinkets, random acts of kindness to strangers, the ability to give either your time, talent, and treasure…any many more tangible and intangibles gifts. Occasions that precedes these gifts are usually unusual and are bear names that are derivative from the event during which you experienced it.

So now that you know all about gifting occasions, at least a breakdown, go out there and match give the best gift. We will create a gift of gifting occasions soon, so be on the lookout!

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Also, check out some more posts below!

Read: More “Gift-Giving Etiquette

You can also read our “How to receive gifts” article

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About the Author: John Ede

Hi, am John Ede. I enjoy gifting, acting, fitness, and saving money. I am the Editor-in-Chief here on BGL. Please Share the Post you just read everywhere. Join our email list so you NEVER miss out on incredible gifting advice, gift ideas, and best gift listings content! Thank You very much!